I love to work outside, even when the temperatures soar to 100 degrees, I am happy to be outside on my porch, loving my plants. My dad loved to be in his yard tending to his plants, I feel so close to him when I am in my yard.
God is so good to comfort me with such tender memories of my dad.

When you walk up to our front porch, you are greeted with this ceramic sign. I found it at the Goodwill, I just love it.

The Tiki Fountain was purchased by my husband, it reminds him of his dad. We lost our dads 4 days apart in 2008.
I popped into Walmart the other day and rescued this "herb garden" from the clearance rack. It was in pretty good shape so I decided to pick it up (at half price I figured I couldn't go wrong).
Chives, Basil, Oregano, Parsley........I need to make my husband a nice dinner.
Cute garden stake. It's always worth waiting for Joann's to mark their seasonal stuff down 70%
Sweet little resin birdie perched here.
Bee Happy............there is so much to be happy about!
Looked for some strawberry plants to put in my little thrift shop pot but no luck. I think these little purple daisies look right at home nonetheless.
I hope anyone who comes to my front door feels
The birdies are welcome anytime.
Another Thrift Shop Treasure..............aren't these little boots adorable?
Thank you for spending some time with me outside today.
Sunshine & Smiles from my heart,