I have been out of touch with so many lovely friends I made since I started blogging and although I was MIA for a while, I still received emails and well-wishes from my loyal friends. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to have a little give-away. Just some treasures I have collected along the way that I would like to pass on to a blog friend and follower.

I have 2 little white bird candle holders, a sweet little green floral tea cup and a couple of vintage (looking) ornaments along with some little white picture frames that I added some of my artistic touches to.
I will add a few more things in the box so this is just a little teaser.
If you would like to enter my give-away, please leave me a comment. I will draw a name on Sunday November 21st. You can check my blog on Monday the 22nd to see who the winner is.
Thank you all for your friendships your ideas, your comments and for just stopping by to have a look around.
God Bless,
Debbie Kay