He asked "what are you going to do with 3 butter knives?" and I replied, "my treasures don't serve a practical purpose, they serve "my purpose". I guess he will have to make a few trips to the barn with me before he fully understands my flea market mentality huh?
(Come on girls, I know I am not alone on this one).

Now the conversation piece of our day was this silver bon bon spoon. I saw it, I wanted it and at the cost of $4.00 I felt that even if I never serve bon bons from it, I must have it to display with my other silver pieces.

My sweetheart was baffled by the very idea of being served bon bons one at a time from a spoon with slots in it, I explained to him that proper etiquette requires one to enjoy a small taste of a fine confection rather than over-indulge in a box of See's Candy. Nice to be back to blogging. Thank you for your comments.
Debbie Kay