Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dream a little dream.....

I just love these little sign-holder's that you see in restaurants, bakeries, blogs? Like the post that Cindy did when she shared the dreamy cupcakes she made. She displayed them so nicely, doesn't she display EVERYTHING so nicely? She is one of those people who has a special touch for making things look so inviting. I put one of my favorite words on cardstock and display it in different vignettes throughout my home....

It's gonna take some restraint to avoid painting it white. I think I rather like it dark as it adds some variety to my mix....

A girl can dream now can't she?

Sweet dreams til next time,

Debbie Kay


Cindy said...

Oh you are so sweet! I had planned to paint mine white too but changed my mind once I got it home.

We are so much alike...I have that same frame you show in your last photo!

Anonymous said...

It looks great the color it is. I like white but sometimes its nice to have a little contrast.


Anonymous said...

That's a really cute idea. I love it.

LeAnn :)

Amy said...

I totally love that! I actually like it black. It stands out really well against your display. Now I have a problem...I want one too! Amy

Donna Lynn said...

That is so cute, I was at Country Expressions yesterday and saw one of those and almost got it, shoot! Well, I have to go back for those speckled eggs anyway...Opps, I better be careful, that store can really put your wallet on fire!
Have a great day, and I feel the same way about you, it is nice to meet other Christian women who are blogging and are artsy!
Donna Lynn

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

Love it Debbie Kay,..and love the word idea!

Always so nice to visit your pretty page!


{oc cottage} said...

So pretty! Thank you for sharing!


Very pretty! Keep dreaming and sharing!!!Thank you for all of your sweet comments!!!


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